Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections Now Offered at Southwest Spine and Pain!

Naturopathic medicine has been researched for centuries, uncovering the natural healing powers of the human body. While effective medications and surgeries are largely utilized in the medical community, treatments using a patient’s own blood continually demonstrate efficacy, efficiency, and safety.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injection therapy is a non-surgical treatment that is a beneficial alternative to other injection therapies. Southwest Spine and Pain Center now provides PRP injections to patients suffering with painful conditions. Platelet generation facilitates restoration to injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints with the use of the patient’s own blood.

For the procedure, a patient’s blood is centrifuged, activating platelets that can be injected into damaged tissue. The stimulated blood releases growth hormones that promote reparative cells to the site. A surgeon will use ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance to insert the injection. Studies continue to uncover restorative powers of PRP injections, indicating that PRP brings improved function and decreased pain to patients who have endured overuse injuries.

To find out more about PRP injections, visit, or talk to your Southwest Spine and Pain physician today. We are currently offering PRP injection therapy at all of our centers. Patients who wish to use PRP injection treatment will be evaluated and examined for eligibility.

If chronic pain is impacting your life, don't wait to schedule an appointment at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. With three locations and growing, the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic pain live the life they want to! To schedule an appointment, visit our locations tab!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

©Southwest Spine and Pain Center, 2014

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