
Overview & Procedure 

Many of the procedures that are meant to decrease chronic pain can be performed with local anesthetics. If the procedure is more involved or if the patient has anxiety surrounding their upcoming procedure, IV sedation can be administered during the procedure. If the patient would like sedation it will need to be set up before the day of the procedure. 

Just prior to the patient’s procedure an IV is placed and is generally in the hand or arm. Once the patient is positioned on the procedure table, IV medications are administered, and the patient is monitored. The goal of IV sedation is to lessen the anxiety and pain related to the procedure. The patient will still be conscious and able to talk with their physician. This will allow the physician to complete the procedure safely. 

After Care 

Immediately after the procedure, patients are sent to a separate room to recover. During this time, the patient’s vitals are monitored for any signs of an adverse reaction. The patient can go home under the care of a family member who will need to drive the patient home. It is recommended the patient be monitored for 24 hours after receiving IV sedation by a family member or friend. Typically, patients resume full activity the next day. Soreness around the injection site may be relieved by using ice and taking a mild analgesic.