Superion Indirect Decompression System (Vertiflex)

Overview & Procedure 

The Superion Indirect Decompression System (Vertiflex) is a minimally invasive procedure for patients suffering from back and leg pain caused by moderate lumbar stenosis. This is an outpatient procedure with a rapid recovery time and no destabilization of the spine. Vertiflex Superion acts as an extension blocker that relieves pressure on the affected nerves. Vertiflex Superion was developed to provide patients with a safe and effective alternative to more aggressive spinal surgery techniques when conservative treatment has failed to relieve their symptoms. 

A Superion Indirect Decompression System (Vertiflex) procedure is performed in an outpatient surgery center or hospital. During the procedure, a Southwest Spine and Pain Center physician makes a small incision in the lower back to make room for the implant. After measuring the space between the spinous processes, the Superion device is implanted the narrowed level creating more space for the spinal nerve roots. The procedure can be completed in under one hour. 


After Care 

Immediately after the procedure, patients are sent to a separate room to recover. During this time, the patient’s vitals are monitored for any signs of an adverse reaction. Later that day, the patient will go home after they are given self-care instructions. An adult family member or friend will need to drive the patient home. It is recommended the patient be monitored 24 hours after receiving IV sedation. A prescription for pain medication or other medications will be sent to the pharmacy following the procedure to be filled right away. Use ice at least for the first 48 hours; however, continue to use it as needed after that. An appointment should be scheduled 7-13 days post-operatively. A back brace may be recommended. Complications from this procedure are rare but may include fever, infection, bleeding, increased pain, or leg weakness. If the patient experiences these symptoms, they should report to the Southwest Spine and Pain Care Center. If it is after hours, they should report to the ER.