Rachel Cohen's blog

Caudal Epidural Steroid Injection

30-Second Blog “Snapshot:”
  • A caudal epidural steroid injection is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that may benefit patients suffering from chronic pain in the low back, rectal or groin.
  • The procedure injects a pain medication through an opening in the sacrum, which is the triangular bone located in the low back.
  • The pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center discuss the benefits of a caudal epidural steroid injection for certain chronic pain conditions.

Arachnoiditis- Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

30-Second Blog “Snapshot:”

  • Arachnoiditis is a neurological pain condition that causes the arachnoid, a membrane that protects nerves in the spinal cord and brain, to become inflamed.
  • Inflammation of the arachnoid creates constant irritation, scar tissue to form around the spinal nerves, and binding of blood vessels and nerve roots, which in turn causes chronic, debilitating pain.
  • The pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center discuss the causes, symptoms and treatments for arachnoiditis.

Arachnoiditis may be caused by a number of things, but some of the most common occurrences or incidents include:

Phantom Limb Pain Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

30-Second Blog “Snapshot:”

  • Phantom limb pain is a condtion that produces discomfort for those who’ve had an arm or limb amputated.
  • This phenomenon may also exist in individuals who’ve lost other body parts like the eyes, tongue, breasts, genitalia, etc.
  • The pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center discuss the causes, symptoms and treatment options for those with phantom limb pain.
