Rachel Cohen's blog


Are you experiencing pain due to compression fractures in your spine? If you are, you may benefit from a state-of-the-art, minimally invasive procedure called kyphoplasty. Kyphoplasty is commonly referred to as “vertebral augmentation” and it is a procedure that repairs spinal fractures to reduce pain and other serious health problems like strenuous breathing, limited mobility, and on rare occasions, premature death.

The team at Southwest Spine and Pain Center specializes in comprehensive pain care and provides advanced treatment options like kyphoplasty to maximum pain relief. If you’re ready to stop living in pain, continue reading then call one of our offices to schedule an appointment with a highly-qualified pain management specialist. 

Common Injuries in Football

With Super Bowl XLIX starting in 4 days, the team at Southwest Spine and Pain Center wants to discuss common football injuries. Moreover, what can be done to reduce pain caused by these injuries. Without further ado, below are some of the most common injuries professional football players sustain.

Sprains, strains and tears account for 40% of injuries. This typically includes:

  • Anterior and posterior cruciate ligament tears (ACL; PCL)
  • Medial collateral tears (MCL)
  • Torn rotator cuff
  • Wrist, knee and ankle sprains

Contusions account for 24% of injuries. This typically includes:

Treatment Options For Hip Pain

Hip pain could be caused by a number of conditions or occurrences, like degenerative joint diseases (osteoarthritis), trauma (injury) or old age. Nevertheless, hip pain can make even the simplest tasks feel tortuous. Rest assured, there are a number of treatment options available for those suffering with hip pain that do not require surgery.

The team at Southwest Spine and Pain Center provides highly effective, non-surgical solutions for hip pain and wants patients to be aware of these treatment methods should they find themselves with a similar condition. Below are treatments that range from least invasive to moderately invasive.

Physical Therapy Or Exercise

Future Of Chronic Migraine Treatment: Have There Been Advances In Care?

Ten million Americans suffer from migraine headaches, which account for approximately 113 million lost workdays each year. Therefore, the issue of migraines is not just personal anymore, it’s an economic issue as well. There have been treatments in the works to prevent and treat migraines. The team at Southwest Spine and Pain Center is sharing some of the new approaches and advances patients can expect to see in the coming years for chronic migraine treatment.

TENS Device for Migraine Prevention

Implications Of Prolonging/Avoiding Treatment

Certain spinal and/or chronic pain conditions can be tricky for patients to manage. For example, if a patient is prescribed a pain medication and does not use it appropriately, serious health issues can occur. Another example may include a spine fracture patient forgetting or purposefully putting off a treatment or surgery for an extended period of time. No matter how you look at, spine and pain conditions can place a heavy burden on patients, and if not taken care of by a trained professional, can have serious implications. The specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are cognizant of this and want patients to understand the ramifications avoiding or prolonging the time between treatments can have.

Social Implications Of Pain Conditions

You’re probably well aware of the fact that pain affects not only you, but those around you as well because dealing with chronic pain can be exhausting. It can have a negative effect on your mental and emotional wellbeing, inadvertently hurting your social life. The pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center understand pain conditions can have social implications, which is why they want to support patients in every way possible. If you’re struggling to sustain relationships with family members and friends, don’t lose hope. The team at Southwest Spine and Pain Center is dedicated to helping you through the stages of your chronic pain condition and want to provide tips on how to interact socially with others.

Talk it out

How To Shovel Snow If You Have Back Problems

With snow comes a plunging thermometer, wet clothes, socks and boots, and backbreaking (not literally, we hope!) shoveling. If you’re living in a cold, snowy climate, you probably know what we mean by “backbreaking.” The act of shoveling can be strenuous on your spine and may cause debilitating back injuries. Although common, back injuries from shoveling snow are preventable, and the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are providing ways to remove snow safely without straining your back.

Stretch and Warm-Up

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Interventional Procedures Vs. Traditional Surgery

Southwest Spine and Pain Center is second to none when it comes to providing patients with an advantage in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain conditions. The pain management physicians specialize in administering minimally invasive interventional procedures versus other, less effective methods because these techniques allow patients to return to their daily lives quicker, with less pain, and with little-to-no downtime.

Distinctions of Southwest Spine and Pain Center

Did you know our physicians have years of pain management experience and world-class fellowship training from institutions like Harvard and Mayo Clinic? Or, did you know that all five physicians at Southwest Spine and Pain Center provide optimal pain care results using a wide variety of injection therapies, minimally invasive surgeries, management of pain medications, and by coordinating physical therapy and advanced imaging?

Well if you didn’t know, now you do, and there’s plenty more information about this team of highly qualified individuals! Read more to see why Southwest Spine and Pain Center is one of the leading pain management facilities in the southwest.