Combat Sneaky Winter Pain

The patients at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are compassionate and motivated people who work effortlessly to manage their pain and live normal lives. As providers of treatment and other interventional therapies, we want our patients to be equipped with all the proper tools to combat pain through any obstacle. Utah is best known for its winter activities. However, these fun adventures can be quickly interrupted when sneaky causes of winter pain arise and make it feel impossible to overcome.

We’ve determined three of the sneakiest causes of winter pain and provided some solutions to help people with chronic pain fight back and have a pain free winter and holiday season.

(1) The Problem: Dry Winter Air. During the winter season, temperatures drop and the air becomes drier. We stay hydrated from the fats and water we ingest, as well as the moisture from the hair. However, when the air gets dry, our skin and lips become chapped and flaky. It may be natural to lick your lips to provide moisture, but it can actually cause cold sores. Skin can crack and bleed causing an infection.

The Solution: At Southwest Spine and Pain, we encourage our patients to care for their skin on a daily basis and make a routine out of it. Use lip balm and moisturizing skin lotion daily, and avoid using excessive soap when showering or bathing. Also, don’t turn your shower on the hottest setting.

(2) The Problem: Shoveling Snow. Waking up to a fresh layer of white winter snow can be exciting, until you realize that you’re the one who has to shovel it so everyone can safely maneuver around the house. Shoveling can cause serious back, shoulder, and even neck pain, especially when it is wet and heavy. Dr. Sandra Fryhofer, board certified internal medicine doctor from Atlanta, Georgia, says, “Shoveling snow puts strain on your heart.” Each year, approximately 11,500 people are treating for an injury sustained from shoveling snow.

The Solution: Shoveling snow is made easier if it is pushed instead. Choose an ergonomic shovel; lightweight, curved shaft. These shovels help keep the back straight and upright. Try shoveling in multiple directions to avoid putting excess strain on one part of the back/spine.

(3) The Problem: Shorter Days. Colder temperatures, lower barometric air pressure, and lesser sunlight can make for a successful headache concoction. Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter season because of the extreme weather changes. When lightning, or rain, or any weather condition that changes the barometric pressure occurs, a migraine can easily be triggered.

The Solution: To obtain the feeling of natural sunlight, use natural spectrum lights in the house. These bulbs mimic daylight and sunrays.

If you suffer from acute or chronic pain and are looking to build a trusting relationship with a compassionate medical team, Southwest Spine and Pain Center can help. With locations all across Utah, our specialists work directly with the patient to find solutions in any way possible. For more information about Southwest Spine and Pain Center and how we can help you manage your chronic pain condition this winter season, visit us online or schedule an appointment.

If chronic pain is impacting your life, don't wait to schedule an appointment at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. With four locations and same day appointments, the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic pain live the life they want to! To schedule an appointment, visit our locations tab!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

©Southwest Spine and Pain Center, 2013

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