Exercises to Promote Back Pain Relief

Chances are you’re reading this blog sitting down, and that you spend a lot of your time sitting down. Long periods of sitting not only promotes lower back pain, but it is also associated with a slower metabolism, poor body mechanics, weak muscles, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. While sitting down can be more comfortable in the short run, long run disadvantages are much more detrimental to our overall health.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, our team treats a number of lower back pain conditions that are commonly worsened by uninterrupted periods of sitting. Our specialists are not only committed to designing effective treatment plans, but also offering real life tips that patients can use in their work and social environments. With four locations across Utah, Southwest Spine and Pain Center is the leading pain specialist in the southwest United States.

In an effort to help patients relieve their back pain, Southwest Spine and Pain Center has determined the best ways to do so, without interrupting our patients’ daily responsibilities.

  1. Move. Get up from you desk/couch/chair/whatever and move for just a few minutes every hour. Set an alarm and do a quick lap around the office/house/apartment/whatever. Moving promotes oxygen to the muscles, which in turn decreases the risk for muscle stiffness.
  2. Stay Flexible. Simple back stretches will not only keep you active, but they will also help people maintain good posture. Through stretching, patients can maintain a good range of motion in their upper body, and improve their body mechanics and flexibility.
  3. Get your glutes going. That’s right, lower back pain can be improved by working your glutes! Sitting can cause weak glutes, tight hamstrings, and tight hip flexors, all contributing to lower back pain. Simply incorporate buttocks stretching and movement into your warm-ups and cool downs.
  4. Strengthen your back and core. Your core muscles provide support and stability to the spine, so it is imperative that you stretch them. Try using the bridge exercise, the back extension exercise, and the arm and leg extension exercise.
  5. Build up strength. The more you practice, the easier and more effective your workouts will be. Your first couple of workouts may not be fun. Let’s be honest, they will not be fun. Don’t give up! Once you get into a routine and your muscles become stronger, working out will be fun and you will see results.

If working out doesn’t get you motivated, try doing it with a friend. Get together, set a time, and continue working it into your schedule every week. Lower back pain can be managed before surgery is needed. Don’t let your condition get worse. Instead, take charge and work it out!

If chronic pain is impacting your life, don't wait to schedule an appointment at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. With three locations and growing, the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic pain live the life they want to! To schedule an appointment, visit our locations tab!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

©Southwest Spine and Pain Center, 2014

©Medical Marketing Solutions, 2014