Phantom Limb Pain Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

30-Second Blog “Snapshot:”

  • Phantom limb pain is a condtion that produces discomfort for those who’ve had an arm or limb amputated.
  • This phenomenon may also exist in individuals who’ve lost other body parts like the eyes, tongue, breasts, genitalia, etc.
  • The pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center discuss the causes, symptoms and treatment options for those with phantom limb pain.


Phantom limb pain is a complex condition that causes pain or discomfort in a limb or body part that no longer exists. For many years, scientists and researchers believed phantom limb pain was psychological, but a number of research studies have indicated the pain sensations from this condition originate in the spinal cord and brain. Nevertheless, the cause of phantom limb pain is generally unclear—the most common theory is nerves misfiring pain signals to the brain.

Other causes could include: 

  • Areas of the spinal cord and brain losing contact with the missing limb, only to trigger warning signals in the form of pain.
  • Damaged nerves at the site holding onto the “memory” of the missing limb and causing pain.
  • Emotional stress or prolonged pressure from a prosthetic limb could cause the condition.


Phantom limb pain could get better over time for some individuals, but many times the pain becomes chronic. Symptoms of phantom limb pain generally include:

  • Stabbing, achy or burning pain near the area of a limb that no longer exists
  • Pain that develops within days of an amputation or traumatic injury
  • Pain that affects limbs farthest from body (feeling pain in the foot of an amputated leg)


Noninvasive, interventional pain therapies like nerve stimulation, injections, nerve blocks, and pain medication can provide some pain relief for those affected by phantom limb pain. Patients may also benefit from counseling for this condition because it can take a toll on a person’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Talk to the physicians at Southwest Spine and Pain Center to discuss treatment options for your phantom limb pain.

If chronic pain is impacting your life, don't wait to schedule an appointment at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. With five locations in Utah and growing, the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic pain live the life they want to! To schedule an appointment, visit our locations tab!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.