Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Chronic Pain

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center in Utah, our pain management doctors understand that chronic pain can make other conditions worse, or can be made worse by other conditions. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD can be related to chronic pain conditions, just as depression can.

There are no true identified causes of SAD, but many experts believe that it is related to hormonal changes in the brain that occur at certain times of the year. It is thought that the lack of daylight in the winter time may also contribute, as the brain makes less serotonin, which is a chemical linked to regulation of mood.

SAD usually begins in young adulthood and is more common in women than men. There are some individuals who experience SAD that only have mild symptoms of irritability or feel not like themselves. Other symptoms of SAD vary, and may include symptoms of depression, less energy, fatigue, weight gain, and the inability to concentrate. If the patient already experiences a chronic pain condition, the symptoms of that condition can be worse than usual, or can make symptoms of SAD even more severe.

Treatment for SAD and chronic pain conditions should begin with management of pain, which can be achieved by the pain management team at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. Concurrently with chronic pain management, treatment for SAD should occur. This many include getting more sunlight when it is available and the use of antidepressant medications.

If you suspect that you suffer from SAD along with your chronic pain, be sure to speak to your pain specialist at Southwest Spine and Pain Center at your next appointment.

If chronic pain is impacting your life, don't wait to schedule an appointment at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. With three locations and growing, the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic pain live the life they want to! To schedule an appointment, visit our locations tab!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

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