Whiplash Headaches: How They Happen and Treatment Options

The most common problem after a car accident is chronic headaches as a result of whiplash. This injury often occurs because of a car crash, but could result from a similar injury or trauma. Whiplash is described as a person’s head unexpectedly moving forward and backward from an external force.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, patients who need care for a whiplash injury are assessed and treated based on pain in the neck, back, and head.

The most common symptoms associated with whiplash syndrome are:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Upper/lower/mid back pain
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Shoulder pain
  • Arm pain
  • Numbness/ tingling

The best way to explain whiplash is to understand what happens when a car is rear-ended. When a car hits another car, force is transmitted to the occupants of the vehicle. The force causes an irregular movement and sudden jolt to the cervical spine and neck region. This abnormal motion causes the upper cervical spine to bend forward, while at the same time causing the lower cervical spine to bend backwards.

The force that moves the neck region overexerts the normal range of the neck. This can result in injury to joints, ligaments, muscles, facet joints, intervertebral discs, etc. As a result, the cervical spine has to overcompensate for movement and may lead to muscle spasms and pain. When the upper cervical spine is injured, a person could experience severe headaches and debilitating neck pain.

In many cases, a person who experiences whiplash will develop symptoms immediately. However, symptoms may occur several days later. Whiplash headaches are often treated with medications. Over-the-counter pain medication such as Ibuprofen may help relieve pain symptoms. Physicians may require patients to wear a neck brace to relieve stress on the neck and provide support for the spine.

If a whiplash headache lasts for several months, physical therapy, acupuncture, or spinal injections may be considered.

If you or someone you know suffers with whiplash headaches as a result from a car accident or any other kind of injury, call and schedule an appoint with Southwest Spine and Pain Center. Patients will receive unprecedented care and the most effective treatment options.

If chronic pain is impacting your life, don't wait to schedule an appointment at Southwest Spine and Pain Center. With three locations and growing, the pain management specialists at Southwest Spine and Pain Center are dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic pain live the life they want to! To schedule an appointment, visit our locations tab!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

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