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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 26, 2014

Joint pain affects a large percent of American society, with approximately 50 million adults diagnosed with arthritis or a rheumatoid condition in the United States. While conventional medicine is effective in minimizing pain, many pain patients implement non-pharmaceutical remedies into their treatment and eventually their everyday lives. A well-balanced diet is essential for manage pain conditions, and positive lifestyle changes have a profound effect on joint pain. Apple cider, once a notorious folk remedy, is now one of the most widely used therapies for pain relief.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we believe patients should dictate where they would like their pain treatment to go. This may include physical therapy, altering diets, and even using western therapies that...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 21, 2014

On January 2, 2014, the Los Angeles Times released an article revealing a study’s findings into Chinese medicine. According to researchers, the Corydalis plant commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine is comprised of a chemical compound that can “effectively alleviate three different types of pain.”

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, our team follows trending news and research into innovated pain treatments. Chinese medicine and other western therapies are widely used by pain sufferers, and we continue to follow the journey of studies that look to uncover the potentials for improved treatment.

Researchers from UC Irvine conducted the study by testing the chemical compound on mice. One of the most compelling aspects of the research was that the mice never grew a...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 19, 2014

Chances are you’re reading this blog sitting down, and that you spend a lot of your time sitting down. Long periods of sitting not only promotes lower back pain, but it is also associated with a slower metabolism, poor body mechanics, weak muscles, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. While sitting down can be more comfortable in the short run, long run disadvantages are much more detrimental to our overall health.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, our team treats a number of lower back pain conditions that are commonly worsened by uninterrupted periods of sitting. Our specialists are not only committed to designing effective treatment plans, but also offering real life tips that patients can use in their work and social environments. With four locations across...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 14, 2014

We know Valentine’s Day is either loved or hated, but either way it exists. So what happens when your pain interferes with your romance or Valentine’s Day plans? Hopefully, you’re already seeing a doctor for your pain condition, and if not, we recommend you come and see one of our friendly and compassionate physicians at any of our Southwest Spine and Pain locations.

With four centers across the state of Utah, Southwest Spine and Pain Center is the leading pain specialist in the southwest. We provide world-class pain care to chronic pain sufferers in Utah and the southwest region of the United States. What sets us apart from other pain specialists is our patient centered principles. Your treatment plan is designed for you, and is unique to every patient.

Relationships are...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 12, 2014

Manual therapy, often called manipulative therapy, is a form of physical therapy that is used to treat musculoskeletal conditions and associated pain. This practice, usually done by a physiotherapist or chiropractor, involves kneading, muscle manipulation, and joint mobilization.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we are committed to precisely determining a diagnosis to begin treatment right away. Often times, our treatment design will involve a multidisciplinary approach, in which we will work with other specialists to better treat the condition.

Manual therapy is a specialized variation of physical therapy provided by a certified practitioner. Instead of using a machine, the practitioner uses their hands to put pressure on areas of the body that are affected by pain....

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 7, 2014

Though one does not necessarily lead to the other, chronic low back pain may be the result of obesity. One study, broadcasted on Reuters online publication in January, 2014, announced that “changes in the brain’s reward systems could be one reason why” obesity leads to chronic low back pain. Based on the study, researchers say consuming high-fatty foods does not satisfy people with this chronic condition.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, our team is committed to providing the best treatments and information for chronic pain conditions. We understand the importance of lifestyle changes, including diet control and weight maintenance, for improving treatment results. Our Southwest Spine and Pain team has four locations across Utah, and are the best pain care specialists in the...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on February 5, 2014

Before jumping to conclusions, that is opting for surgery, chronic pain patients should sit back and review all their options for treatment. Too often we see individuals receive aggressive, invasive treatment when their condition could have been treated under conservative methods. We often treat patients who need additional surgery because their first round didn’t provide relief or any improvements.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we believe in using conservative treatments before considering surgical intervention. Physical therapy, medications, and even some Western therapies work effectively and efficiently for people suffering from chronic pain or other pain conditions over the body,

According to research, lower back pain affects 84 percent of Americans. Injury,...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on January 29, 2014

Planning a comprehensive and multidisciplinary pain management program for a cancer patient is vital for effective results. Patients responses to treatment have greatly improved over the last decade, and patients are now are expected to live longer and have longer remission rates. However, residual pain is often supplemented with these successes. At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we emphasize the importance of treatment to minimize cancer activity and pain, while at the same time avoiding the shift from acute to chronic.

The goals of a cancer pain treatment program are:

  • Reduce pain/ greater control over pain
  • Physical improvements: ie range of motion, strength, sleep
  • Psychological improvements: ie mood, depression, anxiety
  • Return to...
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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on January 24, 2014

People usually assume that cancer treatment mirrors what you see in the movies or hear from other people: chemotherapy. While chemotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for cancer, it is not the only one. People’s bodies react differently to treatments and what works wonderfully on someone, may not relieve any symptoms for another person.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month and Southwest Spine and Pain Center wants all of our patients to familiar with cancer symptoms and effective treatments. All of our physicians and trained staff members are aware of the different kinds of cancer pains that may arise and effective treatments to relieve debilitating symptoms. With four locations all over Utah, Southwest Spine and Pain Center hopes to better serve residents of...

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Submitted by Kaitlyn Wekerle on January 22, 2014

Whether you have cancer or know someone with cancer, it is a good idea to continuously have the most current information in every part of treatment. You may be in and out of hospitals and doctor’s offices, and the information you receive can get mixed up with everything else you’re trying to understand.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we want to communicate the best information in the easiest way possible. Medical terms may not transmit well with every patient, so we take the time do get to know each and every single person that walks into our office. One way to learn about your cancer, is to know the types of pain cancer can create, what medicines are available to manage pain, and ways to best control your pain.

Being diagnosed with cancer doesn’t automatically mean...

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