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Submitted by Anonymous on October 2, 2013

Facet arthropathy is the scientific term of a degenerative arthritis condition that affects facet joints. These joints are found in the spine. The spinal column is made up of 24 vertebrae, and two facet joints are found between the vertebrae of each spinal division.

Degenerative arthritis is a common disease developed as people age. When the facet joints develop arthritis it can be from a number of complications:

  • Wear and tear
  • Previous back injury
  • Torn ligaments/ fractures
  • Disc problems

When these complications arise, bone spurs can develop and deteriorate the surrounding cartilage.

Southwest Spine and Pain Center is no stranger to aging patients. With our experienced medical staff and dedication to providing high...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 30, 2013

The basics of healthy eating are pretty simple: lots of fresh fruit and vegetables of all sorts of colors. The Mediterranean diet harnesses those basics and incorporates them into one simple and fun diet. The diet is styled after traditional cooking of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Along with fresh fruits and vegetables, the diet incorporates olive oil and even red wine.

The Mediterranean diet is shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Nearly 1.5 million Americans following the diet found a reduce risk of death from heart disease, cancer, and reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. With the Mediterranean diet’s primary focus of fruits and vegetables, it may help to reduce pain symptoms as well.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, our compassionate and...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 27, 2013

Warm weather, clear skies, and fresh greens are all a golfer could ask for. For the advocate, practice makes perfect, and when you couple free time with good weather, they will indeed be practicing their swing on the course. Unfortunately, a perfect swing and the repetitive motion can place a lot of stress on the lower back.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, sports injuries, specifically golf, are common amongst patients. Activities that require repetitive motion can cause degenerative problems and promote pain. With our experienced medical team and dedication to providing excellent care, we hope to deliver a beneficial treatment plan.

Golf’s popularity has drastically grown over the past decade, especially in the baby boomer generation. Baby boomers are already at risk...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 25, 2013

Most women only dream of dancing alongside Patrick Swayze and being lifted and spun in the air in the last act of a summer camp show. For Jennifer Grey, that was a reality. In 2010, “Dancing with the Stars” producers invited Grey to participate in the dancing competition and her 1980s role in Dirty Dancing paid off. Grey went on to win the show’s 11th season.

Grey didn’t win the show with ease, however. During the competition, Grey sustained numerous neck complications. The night before her last dance, Grey was hospitalized for a ruptured disc in her lower back.

The onset of back pain can be the result of various stressors, strains, or overuse. Dancing requires excessive use of muscles in the body and can certainly cause problems. At Southwest Spine...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 20, 2013

We do all that we can to eliminate back pain. Some cases require physical therapy and epidural injections, while others may require more aggressive therapies such as surgery. When managing back pain, we want to alter our lifestyles to best accommodate for this. One of the simplest ways is to work on posture.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we provide pain management strategies not only for office visits, but for patients to take home with them as well. Good posture not only makes us look younger, but it also eliminates the hunch, promotes good health and mood, and reduces pain.

Good posture reduces pain and can even prevent health and musculoskeletal problems. Head, neck, and back pain are often the result of improper posture. In an effort to eliminate these symptoms...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 18, 2013

Most often, patients seek back and spine pain assistance for lower back pain. According to experts, the most common causes of back pain include aging, arthritis, a herniated disc, or a condition such as scoliosis.

However, upper back pain can be just as debilitating as low back pain if not treated immediately. Upper abdominal pain is a term that describes pain in a different location than the spine damage.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center patients can expect a comprehensive and expert assessment followed by a complete treatment plan tailored to each patient’s needs and goals. Lower and upper spine pain are conditions that are regularly treated at all of our Utah clinics.

The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Foramina are openings of...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 13, 2013

In some cases, pain management can be very complicated. For instance, fibromyalgia’s cause cannot be directly determined and many other pain conditions continue even after extensive therapies and treatments. Because of this, pain management is critical for a patient’s successful improvement and his or her positive engagement with the healthcare facility.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we address both the physical and emotional symptoms associated with pain. Our experience staff gives unconditional care and expert evaluations for an improved quality of life for every patient.

At a pain management facility, doctors and nurses should ensure the policies answer the following questions:

  1. What methods do we use to manage pain?
  2. Do our healthcare...
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Submitted by Anonymous on September 11, 2013

Many people believe that old age is the reason for pain for people over 65. This is partly true. As we get older, our body changes: our bones become a little weaker, our backs aren’t as sturdy as they once were, and our eyesight loses its strength. However, old age isn’t the only source of the problem. There is always a real condition behind these aches and pain.

At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, our medical staff strives to give proper diagnoses and pain education for the elderly patients who are looking for more reasoning than, “You’re getting older.” It is important that all of our patients recognize the relationship between aging and pain so they are equipped with knowledge during pain-related events.

Canadian researcher Allan Gordon, MD, revealed the results from a...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 6, 2013

In 2011, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report showed an increasing number of Americans coping with chronic pain each year. Due to this, health care costs were skyrocketing and chronic pain sufferers were dishing out more and more money for continuous treatment.

An estimated 100 million American adults suffer from chronic pain each year and the nation spends roughly $600 billion annually for medical treatment. The IOM recommended a consistent pain management education program for new healthcare professionals, and two US Davis researchers stepped up to the plate.

Scott Fishman and Heather M. Young got a team together to identify the desired skills and knowledge that new healthcare professionals needed to best care for pain patients. The new program is designed to guide...

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Submitted by Anonymous on September 4, 2013

Pain management is compiled with a number of conservative and aggressive approaches. At Southwest Spine and Pain Center, we believe in a multidisciplinary approach to pain management and consult with patients and other specialists to better design an affective treatment plan.

While certain patients show dramatic improvements in pain symptoms, others have little response. Some physicians face difficulties when diagnosing a condition and utilizing an appropriate care plan. The American Medical Association (AMA) has recognized this problem and is now offering an updated pain management education program that includes up-to-date information on the assessment and management of pain.

Understanding the functions of pain management can better assist physicians to ensure patients...

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